Friday, May 1, 2009

a new era in blogging...

So apparently LJ doesn't cut it with the cool kids anymore... either that or i got really sick of itand felt like a fresh start!!

So I guess this is where my rantings will be laid to rest, for you to observe and do with what you will.

It kinda freaks me out how many mediums i use on the internet that do EXACTLY the same thing, yet someone how i find a way to validate each and everyone of them in my life hahaha...Myspace (dont especially use it, but its there), Facebook, Twitter... pretty sure I can do exactly the same things on everyone of those yet still choose to use them all... and now this. It feels like the more i discuss my life, then it must just be REALLY important... hey everyone, THIS IS WHAT I DID/THIS IS WHAT IM DOING... and if you didn't catch my life's most recent headline on Facebook go check it on on Twitter, cos i put it there too!

Not even entirely sure why i do it though, i guess im just fascinated by the novelty of technology, and the fact people can know what im going most of the time if they choose to and i know what theyre doing in 140 characters or less. I think i should probably be more freaked out by the amount of information i share over the internet, but for some reason I'm not... you''ll all hear about it when someone steals my identity tho. I work with a girl who uses a FALSE name because she thinks someone is going to hunt her down and stab her for not putting through a Citylink day pass a day late... I just like the idea that you can feel close to anyone in the world with technology, its bridges the gaps in communication, yet stilts them because it causes you to become lazy with people who are close by.

Wow somehow this turned into some media essay i never planned on writing.

That was my first post....tune in soon for something far more interesting (i hope)


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